
Partners are EVERYTHING

It’s the time of year for reflection, and we have a lot to reflect on. The year-end holidays are when families want to celebrate, but those facing food insecurity and/or living in shelters often can’t afford to celebrate, let alone buy seafood.

Food prices have not receded, and the highs and lows of supplies and prices have forced many in the seafood industry to scratch their heads and tighten their purse strings. We’d like to “turtle” the situation — go into our shells and poke our heads out when times are better — but we don’t. There will always be people to feed in food banks and feeding centers.

What buoys us is when we hear from partners like Oregon Food Bank, Food Lifeline, Greater Boston Food Bank, and other partners across the nation in the Feeding America network that rely on SeaShare to access seafood for them to distribute to families in need. These partners are on the “front lines” of the food bank industry, serving the more than 44 million Americans living in food insecure households. We are grateful for the work that they do, delivering the seafood we work to secure from our seafood partners across the United States. Together we continue to ensure that families are able to gather and dine on nutrient-dense seafood, the most healthful protein available.