
Do You Eat Enough Seafood?

The Washington Post, with data from the USDA, issued some scary news this week: 80 to 90 percent of Americans do not eat enough seafood. This is a great article on why that might be, and how and why consumers should get on the seafood train to better health.

From the piece, by Ellie Krieger: "...the vast majority of us are not reaping seafood’s health benefits and are probably worse off for it. Eating fish dramatically reduces the chances of dying of a heart attack, improves children’s brain development, slows brain aging, lowers the risk of depression and mood disorders, can help with weight management and more. Then there are seafood’s culinary attributes — it’s one of the quickest-cooking proteins, there is an incredible variety to choose from, and it is the center of many fantastically delicious dishes."

"So why are we passing on the bounty of the sea? The reason, at least in part, has to do with fears about it, from highly publicized stories about mercury contamination to feeling intimidated about purchasing and preparing it. I hope that after reading what follows, the only fish fear you will face is FOMO — fear of missing out." Read the full article here.